
DE Insurance Data Security Act Reminder

The Delaware Department of Insurance (DOI) updated Universally Applicable Bulletin No. 5, which outlines the Delaware Insurance Data Security Act requirements. The updates include: A change to the DOI’s email address (now, where notices of a data breach are sent The addition of a requirement to for insurers to submit an annual certification of […]

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Baltimore Highlights NFIP Premium Discounts

Representatives of the Baltimore Department of Planning provided the following reminder for IA&B members:Baltimore City wants to remind all insurance agents and brokers that properties purchased in Baltimore City’s Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) with federally backed loans are required to have flood insurance. Baltimore City participates in the Federal Emergency Management Administration’s Community Rating

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Ransomware Incident Offers Cautionary Tale

Late last month hackers attacked insurance broker Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (to include claims unit Gallagher Basset). The ransomware incident forced the firm to take its global systems offline and turn to outside cybersecurity professionals for help. Ransomware attacks increased almost 50% between the first and second quarters of 2020, according to a recent

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