Career & Training Paths

IA&B is the leader in quality professional development for independent insurance agents. Our Career & Training Paths are highlighted below and are designed to provide:
These paths are a starting point and are often supplemented by agency-specific training.
Service Path icon

Service Path

Customer Service Representatives are on the front lines of claims and other interactions with insureds. They need to remain up to speed on service skills, agency procedures and policy specifics. The Service Path helps agencies orient CSRs with office protocols, licensing requirements, the basics of various lines of coverage and more.

Suggested Courses

Introductory Training

sales path icon

Sales Path

Producers (the sales force) are the drivers of revenue for an agency, but they must be licensed and current in their knowledge of risks and coverages. The Sales Path helps agencies guide new producers through an agency orientation, initial licensing, proper procedure and a review of agency standards and products. It helps all producers to maintain a more in-depth knowledge of coverages, sales skills, marketing strategy and more.

Suggested Courses

Introductory Training

management path icon

Management Path

Agency managers must maintain a high-level vision for the agency, strategic awareness of its markets and varying degrees of operational knowledge to run the business. The Agency Management Path seeks to develop a wide range of business management skills, maintain a broad knowledge of coverages and develop a keen awareness of compliance and legal issues.

Suggested Courses

Cyber Risk & Time Element

650 Wilson Lane, Suite 200
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
191 Main Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Toll Free: 800-998-9644
Fax: 717-795-8347
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